8-9 Nov 2024
This event is held annually each year, the weekend after Melbourne Cup. All Crafts are handmade and of a high quality.
This event is held at the Encore Events Centre
Hoppers Crossing
2024 was a great success
Photos for the 2024 festival will be up soon!
Friday Evening from 5pm – 9pm the 8th November and
Saturday from 9am – 5pm the 9th November.
For updates on the 2024 Werribbee Craft Festival
Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram
Come and visit Santa!
Take your own Santa Photo for free!
Please email enquiries to – werribeecraftfestival@hotmail.com
Mail Address
Werribee Craft Festival P.O.Box 1295 Pacific Werribee 3030
For further information regarding the Craft Festival please email werribeecraftfestival@hotmail.com
Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updated information.
The Committee would like to thank you for all your support
Celebrating 44 Years
The Werribee Craft Festival is a not for profit organisation that has been giving back and supporting local charities and the Wyndham community for the past 44 years. The Festival started in 1978 in Centenary Hall with help of the Council and when this was earmarked for development, the Events Centre became our new home in 1989, and then the Wyndham City Civic Centre then back to Encore.
The Craft Festival Committee prides itself in ensuring the standard of the merchandise available each year is of the highest quality, it allows the local crafters somewhere to both promote and sell their goods. Because of this high standard over the years we have attracted visitors from all areas of the state. The excellence of the wares that are available at the Craft Festival is what brings people back year after year.
Every year we find there are people visiting the Craft Festival from not only all over Melbourne, but from country areas and interstate. Now people are planning visits to Wyndham to coincide with the Craft Festival. Having survived through many difficult times, we have become an important part of the Wyndham City Calendar that everyone young and old alike looks forward to attending each year.
The Festival has a small but very talented volunteer organizing committee that brings you this Festival each year, and hope to for many years to come.
Each year we select a community group from within Wyndham in need of assistance.
2024 Photos coming soon!
If you have any enquiries please email werribeecraftfestival@hotmail.com
Below are photos from 2023

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